Dr Stephen L. Muzzatti
Department of Sociology, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto


Research Interests
Violence and victimisation, human and non-human animal suffering, neoliberalism, crime and media, inequality, political economy, work and social class.


Dr Muzzatti’s research lies in the intersection of cultural and ultra-realist criminologies with particular attention to crime, social harm, consumerism and human interaction with animals. He is interested in the intertwining social dynamics of neoliberalism, brutality and victimisation. His research sites include crime and media, human-animal relations (particularly, but not exclusively, domestic companion animals and urban wildlife), terrorism, state and corporate crime, narcissism, working-class spaces and identities, motorcycle culture, the Italian-Canadian community, advertising and the monetisation of violence.

Key Publications

Link here.

Student supervision

Dr Muzzatti is available, willing and qualified for graduate and undergraduate student supervision. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and a member of Toronto Metropolitan University’s Graduate Faculty. He is appointed to the Communication and Culture Graduate Programme (joint with York University) as well as Toronto Metropolitan University’s Policy Studies PhD Programme where he serves in both the Social Policy and the Public Policy and Administration streams. 


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