Please note, due to the large volume of vegan sociology literature, we have prioritized here those that define the field with the intention of aiding students, researchers, and journalists. For additional resources, please visit our repository.


Arluke, A. 2003. “Ethnozoology and the Future of Sociology.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 23 (3): 26-45.

Arluke, A. 2002. “ A Sociology of Sociological Animal Studies. ” Society & Animals 10 (4): 369-374.

Carter, B. and N. Charles. 2018. “The Animal Challenge to Sociology.” European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1): 79-97.

Cherry, E. 2021. “Vegan Studies in Sociology.” Pp. 150-161, in The Vegan Studies Reader, Laura Wright (Ed.). New York: Routledge.

Cole, M. and K. Stewart. 2021. “(Mis)representing Veganism in Film and Television.” Pp. 319-331, in The Vegan Studies Reader, L. Wright (Ed.). New York: Routledge.

Cudworth, E. 2015. “ Killing Animals: Sociology, Species Relations and Institutionalized Violence. ” The Sociological Review 63: 1-18.

Fuller, S. 2011. “The Eternal Return of Sociology’s Repressed Biological Unconsciousness.” Pp. 31-49, in Human and Other Animals, B. Carter and N. Charles (Eds.). London: Palgrave.

Hobson-West, P. 2007. “Beasts and Boundaries: An Introduction to Animals in Sociology, Science, and Society.” Qualitative Sociology Review 3 (1): 23-41.

Irvine, L. and L. Cilia. 2017. “ More-than-Human Families: Pets, People, and Practices in Multispecies Households. ” Sociology Compass 11 (2): e12455.

Irvine, L. 2015. “Animals and Sociology.” Anthrozoös 26 (3): 466-468.

Irvine, L. 2007. “The Question of Animal Selves: Implications for Sociological Knowledge and Practice.” Qualitative Sociology Review 3 (1): 5-22.

Koop-Monteiro, Y. 2021. “Including Animals in Sociology.” Current Sociology 71(6): 1141-1158

Morris, C., M. Kaljonen, K. Aavik, B. Balázs, M. Cole, B. Coles, S. Efstathiu, T. Fallon, M. Foden, E. Giraud, M. Goodman, E. Kershaw, R. Helliwell, P. Hobson-West, M. Häyry, P. Jallinoja, M. Jones, T. Kaarlenkaski, M. Laihonen, A. Lähteenmäki-Uutela, S. Kupsala, A. Lonkila, L. Martens, R. McGlacken, J. Mylan, M. Niva, E. Roe, R. Twine, M. Vinnari, and R. White. 2021. “Priorities for Social Science and Humanities Research on the Challenges of Moving Beyond Animal-Based Food Systems.” Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 8 (38): 1-12.

Nibert, D. 2003. “Humans and Other Animals: Sociology’s Moral and Intellectual Challenge.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 23 (3): 5-25.

Peggs, K. 2013. “The ‘Animal-Advocacy Agenda’: Exploring Sociology for Non-Human Animals.” The Sociological Review 61 (3): 591-606.

Peggs, K. 2009. “A Hostile World for Nonhuman Animals: Human Identification and the Oppression of Nonhuman Animals for Human Good.” Sociology 43 (1): 85-102.

Pelikšienė, R. 2023. “Sociology and Veganism: A Systematic Literature Review.” Filosofija | Sociologijaissn 34 (4): 444-453. 

Pendergrast, N. 2014. “A Sociological Examination of the Contemporary Animal Advocacy Movement.” Perth: Curtin University.

Stibbe, A. 2001. “Language, Power and the Social Construction of Animals.” Society & Animals 9 (2): 145-161.

Sztybel, D. 2010. “Animal Absolutes: Liberation Sociology’s Missing Links.” Journal for Critical Animal Studies 8 (1/2): 126-175.

Sztybel, D. 2009. “Normative Sociology: The Institutionist Crisis and Animals as Absent Referents.” Journal for Critical Animal Studies 7 (2): 83-127.

Taylor, N. and Z. Sutton. 2018. “For an Emancipatory Animal Sociology.” Journal of Sociology 54 (4): 467-487.

Tovey, H. 2003. “Theorising Nature and Society and Sociology: The Invisibility of Animals.” Sociologia Ruralis 43 (3): 196-215.

West, P. 2007. “Beasts and Boundaries: An Introduction to Animals in Sociology, Science and Society.” Qualitative Sociology Review 3 (1): 23-41.

York, R. and S. Longo. 2015. “ Animals in the World: A Materialist Approach to Sociological Animal Studies. ” Journal of Sociology 1 1: 32-46.

York, R. “Animal Studies and Environmental Sociology.” International Journal of Sociology 44 (1); 3-9.




Suggestions for peer-reviewed journal articles? Submit to Please note, we cannot catalog the entire literature; this collection seeks to highlight general theory publications that advance the discipline of critical vegan sociology. Authors are invited to spotlight their specialist vegan sociology research not suitable for this core collection on our blog. Please report any broken links.