2025 Research Lab Call for EOI

EOI Deadline: 25th Feb 2025

Location: Online

The International Association of Vegan Sociologists is pleased to announce EOIs for our first Research Lab! The Research Lab is a virtual space for collaboration and exchange. Its aim is to generate timely research with the input of scholars from universities across the world.

What happens in a Research Lab?

There are lots of ways to do a research lab! In this case, a research lab is where a group of academics commit to meeting regularly (once a month) to workshop one member’s project/paper/idea and support each other’s work with feedback. Research Lab members make a commitment to attend all research lab meetings and participate actively to ensure all members have the opportunity to both receive and provide feedback on current, cutting edge, vegan sociology work. 

Who can apply?

For our first research lab we are targeting academics (Post-PhD) working on a project, paper or grant application that aligns with the IAVS Guiding Principles. If you: 

  • Are currently affiliated with a university
  • Have a project you would like to workshop with other scholars in the field
  • Can commit to attending 10 research labs over 2025 
  • Have access to a research ethics board (IAVS does not have the capacity to support project without ethics clearance at this time)

Please consider submitting an EOI.

In the future, we may look to open the Research Lab to activist scholars, and others working on projects outside of the academy. 

How can I apply?

Please submit a 300 word EOI that specifies your project, professional affiliation and how your work will contribute to vegan sociology by 25th February 2025. EOIs can be emailed to info@vegansociology.com.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in March 2025. 

This research will be spotlighted in an IAVS podcast, blog, and annual conference. 

The Lab is free to attend and held online over Teams.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!