Nick Pendergast (he/him)
The University of Melbourne
Research Interests
Critical Animal Studies, human/non-human relations, the media, social movements
and social change
Nick Pendergrast has a PhD in Sociology and his thesis applied sociological theories on social movements and organisations to the animal advocacy movement in Australia and the United States. He teaches Sociology at the University of Melbourne, with a focus on units covering Inequalities.
Key Publications
- ‘The vegan shift in the Australian animal movement‘ in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (2020).
- ‘Challenging power and creating alternatives: integrationist, antisystemic and non-hegemonic approaches in Australian social movements ‘ with Dr Theresa Petray in Journal of Sociology (2018).
- ‘PETA, Patriarchy and Intersectionality ‘ in Animal Studies Journal (2018).
- See my Conversation profile for more publications.
Student supervision
Currently unable to consider student supervision.
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