Dr. Łucja Lange
Institute of Sociology, University of Łódź, Poland
Research Interests
Animal studies (including – vegan studies, ethics in bioresearch and bio art, relations, communication, agency, death, grief); death studies (being terminal, dying, death, decay, grief, remembering, rituals); gender studies (trans people experience); and photography, theatre studies, queer studies.
Łucja is a graduate of Theatre Studies (2004) and Ethnology (2015). Has PhD in Sociology and is finishing her second PhD in Literature and Digital Humanities. She completed the Animal Psychology course (2019) and is working with traumatized cats and handicapped dogs. Since 2020, she has been active member of the Section for Interspecies Relations in the Polish Sociological Association and in the Instutute of the Good Death, where she leads circles connected with the subjects of ecological grief and grief for non-human animals. In 2021, she became a member of the International Association for Vegan Sociologists. She takes active part in many networks, such as degrowth or veterinary humanities. Łucja is an assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology (University of Lodz) in Poland and she cooperated on projects and worked with students on Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, California; Nordhausen Hochschule, Germany and University of Warsaw, Poland. Łucja has not eaten any meat for almost 30 years, and for almost 7 years she has been vegan as well as a zero waste wannabe.
Key Publications
Student supervision
Łucja is open to supervision.
Any students, researchers, or media may solicit contact information from our affiliates via info@vegansociology.com.